Memorial School in Howell Township is being recognition by the New Jersey School Boards Association for the 2018 Innovations in Special Education Award.
A team of teachers created the Bulldog Think Tank and STEM Innovation Station Model Classroom, and Classroom Close-up NJ featured the the program earlier this year. The NJSBA awards ceremony is scheduled for May 21.
Memorial school will display their resources and play the Classroom Close-up video so other schools can see how they can bring this exciting special education program into their school.
Memorial was one of only five entries selected for recognition from among 50 programs offered by public and private schools as an example of a successful, creative effort that enables special needs students to achieve their potential.
The grant writing team includes Skye Donzelli, Jennifer Stenard, Leonora Bradley, Alexandra Zweig, Maureen Rubin, and Erin McCabe. Funding came from Ocean First Bank, First Energy, and Howell Township Education Foundation.
STEM Innovation Stations is for children with multiple disabilities, autism, and cognitive impairments. Through a model classroom the teachers implement STEM Innovation Stations that enable students with special needs to utilize 21st century life skills to work through real world projects. After the special education students become “experts” in each Innovation Station, they invite their general education peers to a special program, “Peer Buddies”, where they will share their knowledge and understanding. These inclusive experiences provide students with the opportunity to work collaboratively, build teamwork skills, develop vocabulary, and problem solve.